Bruno - Best in tour
The Football Federation of Moldova has announced the names of the Best Players of the 21st tour of the Championship of Moldova in the National Division. Brazilian midfielder Bruno Felipe Souza was recognized as the best player of the tour (two goals scored against FC Sfintul Gheorghe). There are three more players of our team in the top three with the same index: Julien Keston, Renan Guedes and Cedric Badolo.
The individual categories are as follows:
Created scoring chances - FC Sheriff - 12 (3 goals)
Shots on goal - Bruno Felipe Sousa - 7
Escalating passes - Sebastien Thill, Keston Julien - 3 (the same number of passes for two more players)
Best goalkeeper - Razak Abalora (224)
Left back – Keston Julien (258)
Right back – Renan Guedes (258)
Centre-back – Gabi Kiki (251)
Left Midfield - Bruno Felipe Souza (268)
Right midfielder - Regi Lushkja (241)
Defensive Midfielder - Edmund Addo (251)
Attacking midfielder - Cedric Badolo (258)
FC Sheriff Press Office